早寝早起き を習慣化させる事によって、私生活・交友関係・勉強、そして仕事の質は大きく向上する。
1. 早起きとは
広辞苑によれば、早起きとは 朝に早く起きる事 だと定義されている。
様々な意見があるが、病院や刑務所の起床時間 ( AM6:00~AM6:30 )
を参考に AM6:00前後の起床を早起きとする。

早朝の時間 (AM6:00~AM9:00) は黄金時間と言われている。
私自身、このゴールデンタイムは 2倍以上の時間価値 があると感じているし、早起きを習慣づけてから、体調が良い日が続いている。
(1) ポジティブ思考になる
(2) 集中力が増す
脳が最も活発に活動するのは起床後3時間後 と言われている。起床時間を早めることによって、仕事や学校が始まると同時に最適なコンディションで集中することができる。
(3) 痩せやすくなる
(4) 満員電車や渋滞を避けることができる
(5) 周囲からの信頼度がアップする
(1) 目覚ましが鳴ったら、レモンやローズマリーなどのアロマスプレーを枕に吹き付ける。
(2) 自分のレム睡眠を把握して寝る時間を調整する。
レム睡眠(Rapid eye movement:REM) とは眼球が急速に動く睡眠のことである。
(3) 朝活で仲間と会う約束する
著者:吉田 顕二郎
Waking up Early: 3 techniques that transforms your life
Early rising is an important skill that improves the quality of everyday life.
By making it a habit and routine to keep early hours, the quality of personal life, friendship, study, and work will be greatly improved.
By covering three techniques for getting up early, hopefully it will help people who want to improve the quality of their daily lives.
What is waking up early
According to Kojien (Japanese Dictionary), getting up early is defined as getting up early in the morning.
Then, what time can we say that we got up early?
There are various opinions, but the wake-up time of hospitals and prisons (6:00 am to 6:30 am) can be used as a reference.
Let's say the get up early is waking up around 6:00 AM.
This is because hospitals are responsible for health management and prisons are responsible for rehabilitation discipline, so the opening time is set in consideration for physical and metal health.
Benefit of waking up early
Early morning hours (6:00 am to 9:00 am) are said to be prime time.
I personally feel that this golden time is more than twice as valuable, and I've been feeling exceptionally well since I got into the habit of getting up early.
Getting up early in the morning can bring various benefits. Specifically, you will be able to experience the following merits.
(1) Become more positively minded
The scents of lemon, rosemary, mint, etc. can be expected to stimulate nerves and awaken drowsiness. Place the aroma spray near the pillow and push the aroma spray once when the alarm goes off. That way, you can not only wake up, but also feel comfortable in the morning.
(2) Increased capacity for concentration
It is said that the brain is most active after 3 hours from waking up. By getting up earlier, you can concentrate in the best conditions as soon as you start work or school. Some people say that the brain does not work for 3 hours after waking up, but since the brain after waking up has less fatigue, it is optimal to concentrate on output work.
(3) Easier to lose weight
After waking up in the morning, the stomach is low in sugar, so it consumes energy while breaking down fat.
Therefore, even with the same amount of exercise, it is possible to lose weight more efficiently in the morning than in the evening.
(4) You can avoid crowded trains and traffic jams
You can avoid crowded trains and traffic rushes just by getting up 30 minutes earlier than others. If you can shorten your commuting time, you can use it for effective time such as reading and studying.
(5) Increase your reliability seen from others
People who always come to work early in the morning are often recognized as people who have a good discipline and time managment. As mentioned in benefit (3), losing weight also tightens your face, and if you gain confidence in yourself, your reliableness felt from peers will increase.
Getting up early: 3 techniques
(1) When the alarm goes off, spray an aroma spray such as lemon or rosemary on the pillow
The scents of lemon, rosemary, mint, etc. can be expected to stimulate nerves and awaken drowsiness.
Place the aroma spray near the pillow and push the aroma spray once when the alarm goes off. That way, you can not only wake up, but also feel fresh and energized in the morning.
(2) Keep track of your REM sleep and adjust your sleep time
REM sleep is an acronym for Rapid Eye Movement. This is the phase of sleep that eyeball is moving often. The movement of the eyeball means that the brain has begun to work. Therefore, when you are in REM sleep, you are in shallow phase of sleep where it easy for you to be wake up.
It is generally said that REM sleep occurs every 90 minutes.
However, in reality, there are individual differences from 70 minutes to 110 minutes, so start by understanding the cycle in which you can easily wake up.
Once you know what timeframe you are likely to wake up, you can adjust your sleep time and get up early.
(3) Promise to meet up and do morning activities with peers
Morning activity is to use the morning time before the start of work for activities such as studying and hobbies.
Cafe reading, radio calisthenics, business meetings, whatever you enjoy.
You can create an environment where you have to wake up by making an appointment with a peer who will join you in the morning.
Someone said, "Getting up early isn't about waking up, it's about getting up with both feet," and I think that's exactly what it is.
"Strike while the Iron is hot"
It is never easy to break out of the routine and get up early. However, since there is so much evidence that improves your life why not give it a try? A quick whiff of lemon and rosemary from an aroma spray in the mourning will make it so much easier to to wake up as it energizes and wake up your mind. The best way to make change is to start as soon as possible.