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国際女性デー(International Women's Day)の役割



皆さんは国際女性デー(International Women's Day)をご存知でしょうか。







日本における就業者数は 女性2,859万人,男性3,672万人と44%の割合となっています。









東北・宮城県の会場はメトロポリタン仙台で行われ、お世話になっている平塚 先生 【ルメード・ドゥース】や、浜出 先生 【株式会社グリーディー】など政治・経済界・ビジネスの場で活躍している面々がプレゼンターとして参加されます。


著者 :吉田 顕二郎


The role of international woman's day

What is international woman's day?

Do you know International Women's Day?

It originates from protests in New York seeking women's suffrage and advocating it at the 1910 International Socialist Conference as "a day to fight for women's political freedom and equality." After that, the United Nations officially established March 8 as "International Women's Day" and continues to this day.

Festas are held around the world to celebrate the courage and achievements of women who have played an important role in social contribution, philanthropy and business.

It is also held in various parts of Japan, it is a wonderful event where people who are active in each region give courage and hope to all women as presenters and mentors.

As one of the business people who support this event, I would like to highlight and inform about women's influence on society and the current problems.

Changes in the female employment rate and labor force participation rate

The number of employees in Japan is 28.59 million for women and 36.72 million for men, which is 44%.

And [Fig. 1-2-3] It can be seen that the female labor force participation rate increased significantly from 1977 to 2017.

I think that the female labor force participation rate is expected to continue to rise in the future.

Salary gap between men and women has not yet been balanced

However, while the female labor force participation rate is rising, the gap between male and female salaries has not been filled. From a global perspective, Japan has the second largest salary gap after South Korea.

There are many non-regular employment and people do not want to be promoted because of their private life. Yet, the salary disparity does not narrow despite the rise in the labor force participation rate mentioned earlier. It is not hard to be criticized as gender inequality.

What function can we expect from International Women's Day?

With the demand for a "gender equality" society set forth in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), International Women's Day events will be held throughout Japan on March 8th this year as well.

I think this big event on a global scale is a great opportunity to tackle the gender disparity problem and strongly appeal to expand the opportunities for female entrepreneurs to play an active role. Because, it is a great opportunity, I hope their strong will move the hearts of government and citizens.

The venue in Tohoku and Miyagi prefectures is held in Metropolitan Sendai. Hiratsuka Sensei [Remede - Douce] and Hamade Sensei [GREEDY Inc.] who we are close to and cherish as well as other woman in the political, business fields will all participate as presenters.

I hope that it will be an event where you can feel the power and influence of women who will continue to play an active role in the future.



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