《女川町おすすめポイント》 ①女川駅・女川温泉ゆぽっぽ 初めにご紹介するのはJR石巻線の終点、『海の見える終着駅』女川駅舎です🚋 ウミネコが羽ばたく姿をイメージした白い屋根が特徴の町のシンボル的存在で、 女川町を印象付ける大切な建物になっています。

その女川駅2階に併設されているゆぽっぽの温泉は、「美人の湯」とも呼ばれるpH7.5以上のアルカリ性の温泉です。 皮膚の角質を柔らかくし、汚れや古い角質を落とすクレンジング効果があり、肌がつるつる・すべすべに✨ それだけでなく、保温効果があるため乾燥知らずのお肌になれるんです! 体の芯までポカポカと温まって寒い季節を乗り越えましょう~

②シーパルピア女川・ハマテラス 続いてご紹介するのが女川駅前にあるテナント型商業施設であるシーパルピア女川とハマテラスです。 この場所では、買う・食べる・楽しむの3つの要素から女川を満喫することができます♪

女川港で水揚げされた新鮮な海産物を使った食事や段ボールで作られた「ダンボルギーニ」、キラキラ輝く海へのダイビングなどもお楽しみいただけます。 その他に、スペインタイルの絵付け体験などができるのでお土産にもぴったりですね😳 ③女川水産業体験館 あがいんステーション 3つ目にご紹介するのが、女川駅前商業エリアに新たな女川の交流拠点として建てられたあがいんステーションです。 あがいんには「AGAIN(再び)」と女川弁の「あがいん(食べてください)」という意味が込められているのだそう。

ここでは女川の方々が絶対に食べてほしいと自信をもって言える商品がたくさん販売されています。 女川町の目利きの方々に選ばれた素材から作られた商品は美味しいこと間違いなしです!! ④スターダストページェント 海ぼたる 4つ目にご紹介するのが、女川の冬の風物詩であるスターダストページェント🎄 1999年から開始されたこのイルミネーションは、震災時も途切れることなく開催されていたようです。 女川駅前にはツリーをはじめ、約4万5000個のLED電球が彩られ、訪れる人々を楽しませます。

冬はぜひ!大切な人たちと一緒に女川で幻想的なひと時を過ごしましょう✨✨ ⑤金華山 最後にご紹介するのが、金運のパワースポットとして有名な金華山にある黄金山神社です。 「三年続けてお参りすれば一生お金に困ることはない」という言い伝えがあり、全国から多くの参拝客が訪れています。 言い伝え通りの三年と言わずに、長くお参りを続けたいですね! 金華山のある島は鹿や猿が生息しているため、頂上を目指してハイキングをしながら 自然を堪能するのもおすすめです🐒

金華山へは女川町の「女川桟橋」から定期便で向かいます。 ※この定期便は毎週日曜日、1便のみの運行となっているのでご注意ください。 見どころが盛り沢山のステキな街「女川町」。 そんな女川町をイメージしたアロマスプレーがあるんです! その商品がこちら⇩⇩
いかがでしたでしょうか?? 女川町にはたくさんの魅力がぎゅっと詰まっています♬ 皆さんも一度、足を運んでみてください~!! 【他のアロマチシリーズは以下の通り】
______________________________________________________________ THE POPULAR FRAGRANCE OF AROMACHI: "ONAGAWA CITY" SO, WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS IT? Onagawa city is one of the cities that was heavily impacted and damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Currently, reconstruction and revitalization of the city is underway centering around the Onagawa station. Today, I would like to introduce "Onagawa Town," a charming town that has made a fresh start! 《What is Onagawa city like??》 Onagawa city, located on the east side of Miyagi prefecture, faces the cobalt blue ocean. The city is designated as the "Sanriku Reconstruction National Park" area that was established after the disaster. In addition to aquaculture such as oysters, scallops, sea squirts, and coho salmon, many fish are landed throughout the year. 🐟 Among all the fishes that are landed, the quantities of saury fished is one of the highest in Japan!!! 《Onagaw City: Places you need to see》 ①Onagawa Station・Onagawa Onsen "Yupoppo" The first thing I would like to introduce is the final stop on JR Ishinomaki Line, "End Station with a view of the sea" Onagawa Station Building🚋 It is a symbol of the town with a white roof that resembles a black-tailed gull flapping its wings. It is an important building that immediately makes an impression of Onagawa Town.

Yupoppo Onsen, which is located on the 2nd floor of Onagawa Station, is an alkaline hot spring (onsen) with a pH of 7.5 or higher, also known as "Bijin no Yu"(Bath of beauty) It has a cleansing effect that softens the keratin of the skin and removes dirt and old keratin, making the skin silky smooth.✨ Not only that, it also has a heat-retaining effect, so your skin will be hydrated and not know what dryness is! Let the hot spring warm your body to the core and overcome the cold season~

②SEAPAL-PIER Onagawa・Hama Terrace Next, I would like to introduce Seapal-Pier Onagawa and Hama Terrace, which are tenant-type commercial facilities in front of Onagawa Station. At this place, you can fully enjoy Onagawa from the three elements of buying, eating, and enjoying ♪

You can also enjoy meals that uses fresh seafood landed at Onagawa Port, "Danborghini" made of cardboard, and diving into the glittering sea. In addition, you can experience painting Spanish tiles, and it's a perfect souvenir.😳 ③Onagawa Fisheries Experience Center Again Station The third place I would like to introduce is the Again Station, which was built as a new base for social interaction in Onagawa. It is located in the commercial area in front of Onagawa Station. Again Station has a double meaning of "Again" (to restart) and "Aga-in" (please eat) in Onagwa dilect.

There are many food products on sale here that the people of Onagawa proudly presents. There is no doubt that the food made from the ingredients selected by the connoisseurs of Onagawa Town are delicious!! ④Pageant of Stardust Umibotaru The fourth place I would like to introduce is the Stardust Pageant, which is a winter tradition of Onagawa.🎄 This illumination, which started in 1999, seems to have been held without interruption even during the earthquake. Approximately 45,000 LED bulbs lights up the trees and in front of Onagawa Station so that visitors can enjoy the beautiful illumination.

When its's winter time, indulge in a mystical and magical time with your loved ones in Onagawa✨✨ ⑤Mt. Kinka Lastly, I would like to introduce you to Koganeyama Shrine on Mt. Kinka, which is famous as a power spot for boosting your fortune luck. There is a saying that if you visit for three years in a row, you will not have financial troubles for the rest of your life, and many visitors from all over the country come visit the shrine. I'm thinking of going praying more than 3 years like the saying suggests! Deer and monkeys reside on the island where Mt. Kinka is located, so it is recommended to enjoy the beautiful nature while hiking to the top.🐒

You can reach Mt. Kinka by regular flight from "Onagawa Pier" in Onagawa Town. *Please note that the regular flight operates only once a day on Sundays. "Onagawa-cho" is a wonderful city with lots of attractive aspects. There is an aroma spray that captures the image and essence of the Onagawa city!! This is the product!⇩⇩
Even when your miles away from Onagawa town, you can feel the refreshing sea breeze and scent of Yuzu♪ How did you find it?? Onagawa city is packed with attractive character♬ I hope everyone would one day get to visit~!! 【Other aroma spray from Aromachi series are down below】