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学名    Cuminum cyminum

使用部位     種子

科名    セリ科




 妊娠、授乳中、セリ科アレルギーの人は服用を避ける。 スパイスアレルギーを起こした例として、蕁麻疹、喉のかゆみ、呼吸困難などアナフィラキシーショックを起こすことがあり、スパイスが使用された料理を摂取したときに、何か違和感や体調不良があった場合は気をつけた方が良い。



クミンシードは「ホールタイプ」と「パウダータイプ」があり、レソンシエル ジャポンで販売されているものはホールタイプになります。





・米 2合

・トマト 1個

・ツナ缶 1缶

・塩 小さじ1

・オリーブオイル 大さじ2

・クミンシード 小さじ1

・ターメリック 小さじ2分の1

・パセリ 適量

・レモン(あれば) 適量










Famous as a curry spice

「Cumin Seed」


Cumin seed

Scientific name  Cuminum cyminum

Used part               Seed

Family name    Aeri family

Anecdote regarding Cumin Seed

 It grows naturally in the Middle East and India. It has a curry-like scent and is often used as a spice or spice in cooking. It is said that when used as an herb, it regulates gastrointestinal function and is effective for stomach and abdominal pain. It is better to drink it after blending it with other herbs, but we recommend a small amount because of its strong aroma.

  It is said to be one of the earliest cultivated spices and is also mentioned in the ancient Egyptian medical book "Abels Papyrus" in the 16th century BC. In addition, it has been used for beauty, medicinal use, and spruce. In cooking, it is used for cheese, sausage, pickles, bread, etc. in addition to curry powder.

 If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you are allergic to the aeriaceae, do not take it. Examples of spice allergies are anaphylactic shock such as urticaria, itching in the throat, and dyspnea. Be wary if you experienced nay of these symptoms 

【As a Cuisine】

There are「whole - type」and「Poweder - type」for Cumin Seeds. At L'ssential de JAPON, we sell whole types.

 To use the whole type, stir with oil as it is and transfer the scent to the oil or boil it to produce the scent. You can enjoy the ethnic fragrance by frying in oil and heating.


★Spicy rice with tomato and cumin

Things to prepare

・Rice          2 Go (300g)

・Tomato 1

・Can of tuna 1

・Salt teaspoon 1

・Olive oil tablespoon2

・Cumin seed teaspoon1

・Turmeric 1/2 teaspoon

・Parsley Appropriate amount

・Lemon (if possible) Appropriate amount



1、Cut the stock of a tomato and notch a cross(x) on the bottom.

2、Put rice, salt and water (300 ml) in a rice cooker, place tomatoes in the center, put a whole can of tuna including the juice. Then cook the rice.

3、Put olive oil and cumin seeds in a frying pan and fry over medium heat. When the aroma comes out, add turmeric and fry again.

4、When the rice is cooked, add the contents from step 3 and mix.

5、Serve with rice, add parsley and lemon to complete!!

Click the image if you are interested (it will send you to the product page)



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